Every system in the human body is dependent on another. Each one intricate, efficient, and complex, executing a carefully coordinated chain reaction in concert. If one link in the chain fails, the entire system is disrupted, sometimes with profound consequences. 

Our earth’s weather, financial systems, even our own families, depend on the seamless interoperation of parts which make the whole. No one component enjoys the luxury of existing on its own.

Thus too are the critical operations which keep our world running: Transportation Management, Utilities, Public Safety, Physical & Cyber Security, and more.

Think of the last time you were able to operate in a bubble to resolve a challenging or critical incident.

It’s impractical, such a situation never exists. The likelihood is that you needed information from other sources; the situation required coordination with people other than yourself—people with different skills and access. No one person or organization can stand alone, so why should technologies in our critical operations act any different?

Connectivity, for a Unified Response in critical situations, is required in our complex, highly populated, interconnected world. This statement extends outside the boundaries of organizations, to those who your work touches in everyday normal operations. 

The missions of Traffic Managers and Public Transit organizations are intertwined, while also dependent on Utilities to provide power that lights and controls transportation systems, along with Police and Fire services to manage safety and emergencies. Utilities depend on internal and external Physical and Cyber Security organizations to guard our country’s critical infrastructure, while also keeping close contact with Fire and Police agencies in critical moments. Federal, State, and Local administrators require information from all these collaborators during high-profile events or critical incidents.

Until recently, the tools for coordinating these types of collaborations have largely remained in the technological stone-age, reliant on outdated hardware, wires, and excessive focus on the details of display screen endpoints. The truth is that a far more holistic and flexible picture is possible via modern software: where the information sources and origination is not a factor; and where critical operations professionals use these resources doesn’t demand any one kind of screen, wire, or black box—or any at all.

We call this wider view of a critical ecosystem a Unified Response—an increasingly important component of traditional municipalities and Smart Cities.

The operations professionals that keep our world safe, moving, and productive depend on seamless situational awareness internally, as well as in collaboration with external teams and organizations, regardless of their myriad of tech stacks. Visability from Activu does exactly this, using the most powerful and flexible software platform available anywhere, for critical operations. In fact, visability is the ONLY critical operations and command platform that enables a Unified Response among partner agencies and responders.

Features Required for Seamless Unified Response
Custom, instant, automatic real-time visual collaboration, driven by triggers from monitoring platforms you already use.
Customizable view of cameras in, even if there on different VMS’s. Combine them in your common operating picture, with cameras not managed in a VMS at all.
Use your applications, monitoring dashboards, or SCADA across control room screens, conference rooms, remote, and mobile team members. Anywhere with internet access and a screen.
Add maps and websites to your common operating picture, standard out of the box, without tying up a workstation to serve it to your video wall. No extra hardware needed.
Stream live video to the control center or a situation room from a team member’s phone, out in the field.
Selectively assemble custom real-time views of the most important information, and share it to collaborators who aren’t in the building, or even in your organization.

Your control room or command center is a nexus of information, driving coordinated activities that interlock with others. It’s so much more than a box, filled with wires and video walls.

Your systems should support this kind of Unified Response, with truly Seamless Situational Awareness, which is only available in visability, from Activu.

Recent Case Studies

About Activu

Vis/ability makes any information visible, collaborative, and proactive for people tasked with monitoring critical operations. Users of the platform see, share, and respond to events in real time, with context, to improve incident response, decision-making, and management. Activu software, solutions, and services benefit the daily lives of billions of people around the globe. Founded in 1983 as the first U.S.-based company to develop command center visualization technology, more than 1,300 control rooms depend on Activu. activu.com.